Thursday, 27 June 2013

Porridge 'cuts childhood obesity'

Eating a healthy breakfast could help tackle childhood obesity, researchers say.
They found a breakfast with a low glycemic index - such as bran, porridge or muesli - is better than sugary cereals or white bread.
It means children eat less for lunch and tend not to snack between meals.

The researchers, from Oxford Brookes University, say the findings could help dieticians devise the most effective diets to combat child obesity.The researchers studied 37 children aged nine to 12 to see what effect eating different foods for breakfast had on their hunger levels during the day.One group had a low GI breakfast of porridge, a second group had a low GI breakfast with added sugar, and a third group was given a high GI breakfast of white bread, a cereal such as cornflakes or a chocolate-flavoured cereal.

Each child ate each type of breakfast for three days in a row with about five weeks between testing. The researchers found eating a low GI breakfast meant children ate significantly less for lunch than those who had a high GI meal for breakfast.They were also less likely to feel hungry between meals.

Porridge is also proven highly beneficial for anyone on a low cholesterol diet, mums-to-be and athletes, to name a few. With Grasshopper’s three delicious flavours, you won’t be short of options too, all you have to do is add some boiling water and voila! 100% natural oats mixed with delicious raisin, cinnamon, date or coconut - breakfast perfection!

The study is published in the US journal Pediatrics. 

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